
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thanksgiving Countdown!

Hello all!

I am going to do a series of project posts that will countdown to Thanksgiving. Seeing how I missed yesterday I will post 2 today. These projects are simple and easy and are meant to be done without a lot of work. Here we go!

25 days til Thanksgiving

Project 1: Thankful Tree

I have seen several versions of this and this is my take on it. I got a glass vase at the Dollar store along with some river rocks. I found a dead tree branch that looked like a tree and placed it in the vase and filled it with rocks.

I found a leaf template online and printed it off and cut them out. I paper hole punched the bottom of each leaf so I could tie the yarn on them to hang them from the tree.

Every day my family and I write down one thing we are thankful for (until Thanksgiving) and we write it on our leaf and attach it to the tree.

Super easy and fun! The picture is what ours looks like so far.

Project 2: Thanksgiving Pumpkin

My son got this pumpkin Trick or Treating and it was too cute to throw away so I decided to recycle it. I like to create projects without having to buy a lot of stuff so I came up with this.

I free-handed the body and leaves out of card stock and then cut them out. I glued the body and feathers to shishkabob sticks that I had cut off. Since they are pointy on one end they worked really well.

After the glue had dried I used a hammer to tap in the sticks in the positions I wanted them. I made 7 feathers to go with my saying, but you can use however many you want! :)

I free-handed the lettering and wrote the saying, "Thankful seven days a week" onto the pumpkin with a permanent marker. I was really pleased with the final project. It is so cute and my son loves it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute Thankful Tree! I love that idea! How fun that you are going to be doing so many Thanksgiving projects!!!

